Relationship questions? Ask Rick Mora!

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  RoknRob121 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Rick Mora, model and actor (from Twilight, Yellow Rock, Dead and the Damned, and more) takes your relationship questions! Post here! Please allow up to 48 hours for responses.



    Be sure to find Rick Mora on his website



    Hi Rick, 0/ Robin from Hawaii, here ~ Situation is a couple splits because the man iz experiencing “Health” issues (Asthma-like symptoms) Leaves the State entirely with the hopes that he’ll return someday & find her again. Asks that he be the one to reach out to her by ph, email, etc… Asks her to be friends with him until he returns. Should she remain Faithful to him during that time OR was that a weak attempt of getting out of the relationship without telling the TRUTH about it? <3



    Relationship is based on the agreement to commit to each others soul. If you do not have an agreement with this man then being faithful is a commitment only to YOU. I dont believe he is coming back to you and everytime you question it… Look down at your finger and make sure there is no ring there… I will LOCK IT DOWN if I dont want my girl to stray…. cuz Rick Mora dont Play!
    Good luck and dont sell yourself short… There are many men out there to be faithful for…



    Oh Babes, That’s NOT my Story ~ It’s a real life situation for a woman I’m Coaching! Thanks, I appreciate You!!! Will pass this on in the hopes that she will make better choices for herself, get some closure and keep her eyes open for the “better” that may be coming her way. Should he return-then Let the results speak for itself ~ I felt the compassion in your answer and your Love in it. I SEE U very clearly here Rick / Keep taking pix, Love U, Mean it!!! <3

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